Recent media appearances.

aka - let's see Luke Marshall in action.

Here's a non-exhaustive list of recent presentations, webinars, talks, and panel slots.

I'm a skilled keynote speaker, facilitator, and trainer. Get in touch with me on LinkedIn if you're interested in having me talk at your next event.
You can also request a free lunch and learn with existing content via this form.

Advocating for greater mental health support

Wednesday, August 14, 2024
I appeared on Channel 9 to share my lived experience story. The goal was to share that recovery is possible - and life can get so much better.
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Are you ready for paid advertising?

Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Did a session with The Startup Network preparing founders on what to think about when starting paid advertising. Covered topics like determining your budget, calculating a return, and lots of things to watch out for.
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Navigating NeuroDivergence as an Entrepreneur

Friday, April 19, 2024
I sat on a panel for bMightie and spoke about how I navigate my ADHD as a founder/small business owner.
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Starting Strong: Your Guide to Launching a Marketing Career.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024
I sat down with Sherrin at Talent Pathways and spoke about what early talent can be focusing on with their marketing career.
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Learning self-love after trauma and psychosis.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023
I did a guest appearance on Kintsugi Heroes talking about self-love after trauma and psychosis. Talking about unhealthy coping behaviours, mental illness, troubles with the law, and hospitalisation. I also talk about my book, inner child work, and embracing recovery.
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How to Multiply Your Marketing Output with AI Tools

Monday, August 14, 2023
I ran a session with bMightie on multiplying your marketing output with AI tools. The session covers: - Why creating more long-form content can magnify your impact - How to use tools like Descript and Copy AI to transcribe videos and create more short-form - Master storytelling mechanics for stretching content further - How doing the heavy lifting with longer content creates opportunities for more short-form
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